GNS 102 (Communication in English) 2nd Semester ND 1 – Auchi Poly Exam Past Question - STREAM B




CLASS:         ND1         STREAM: B
 INSTRUCTION: You are expected to answer any four (4) questions of your choice. Please, Begin each question on a fresh page.

GNS 102 (Communication in English) 2nd Semester ND 1 – Auchi Poly Exam Past Question and Answers
Q1. For communication to be effective, certain element must be present. Carefully explain the elements involved in communication.
Q2. What Role does communication play in the life of man?
Q3. During the Students Union Election that was recently conducted, you noticed some forms of elector fraud and malpractices. Write a letter to the chairman of Auchi Polytechnic Electoral Commission (APECO), complaining about the regular forms of irregularities witnessed during the election and suggest ways of curbing such electoral fraud in future.
Q4. How does the following constitute barrier to effective communication:
(i) Dissonance
(ii) Interference
 (iii) Noise
(iv) Code mixing
a.    What is a diphthong?
b.    Differentiate between Long Vowel and Short Vowel Sounds
c.    What is a syllable?
d.    What is responsible for speech sound?
It has been found by researcher in education that the odds are stacked high against the learner from a deprived socio-economic backgrounds. A learner, whose parents are illiterates, whose parents earn a low income, who has no access to the electronic media, and who has no educated siblings or peers to learn from, faces an uphill task in his educational career. The task is even more difficult if the learner live in an obscure rural area, for he is then cut off from modern civilization.
The learner from an academically enriched background, whose parents are well educated and financially stable, and who has constant access to the electronic media, has a head start over his deprived counterpart from the village. Therefore, it is unfair that learners from different background should face the same competition for admission into higher institutions, or for employment opportunities, since nobody determines their background.
Unfair as the practice may be, it is not easy to work out an alternative system. In the first place, distinguishing between students from academically enriched educationally deprived background and reserving some places for the later, would amount to double standards. Indeed, such a policy would inevitably endanger a number of malpractices on the parts of candidates. Moreover, formulating a Policy by which learners from educationally deprived backgrounds are given special employment opportunities would tend to play down the practice of selection on the basis of merit.
It does appear that the way out is to minimize the odds against which the less disadvantaged learners have to struggle. If rural communities are improved, and if conscious efforts are made to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, much would have been done to help the socio-economically disadvantaged learners overcome some of the odds against them.
(1)    Mention three factor that distinguish the two classes of learners described in the passage.
(2)    Which word in the first paragraph shows that the writer based the article on facts and not on speculations?
(3)    Why does the writer say that the present practice is unfair?
(4)    Give reasons why the writer thinks that there is no alternative to the present practice.
(5)    Explain in your own understanding what the writer means by a learner facing an uphill task.


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